E-Series: Sea Turtles- A Conservation Success Story with Speaker: Kendra Cope

Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Location: The Emerson Center

Category: Lectures

E-Series: Sea Turtles- A Conservation Success Story
Speaker: Kendra Cope
Tuesday, Jan. 31, 7 p.m.

Sea turtles are our favorite animal and the reasons go way beyond the fact they are cute. Three species, Loggerheads, Greens and Leatherbacks, are responsible for laying hundreds of thousands of nests along Florida’s beaches each year providing essential nutrients to the beaches we enjoy. They provide a home on their shells to thousands of small plants and animals. And, they keep marine ecosystems balanced by playing unique roles within the food chain that support the health of our oceans, estuaries and reefs. However, our choices as individuals and a society are having a detrimental impact on these critical animals due to light pollution, fisheries interactions, marine debris and more. But, the good news is we as individuals, groups and businesses are all able to make a difference to protect our environment through decisions we make every day.

Join us for our not to be missed E-Series at the Emerson Center! The Emerson Center's mission is to provide educational, enlightening and thought-provoking programs, and memorable musical music events for our community. Admission is free; suggested $10 donation.

E-Series: Engage, Educate, Entertain

E-Mail: info@theemersoncenter.com

Phone: 772-778-5249

More Info: https://theemersoncenter.com/

Location Details
The Emerson Center
1590 27th Ave
vero beach, FL 32960

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