Travel & Transportation
Traveling to Vero Beach? Find the top places to stay, best places to eat, and all the fun things to do on Need to get to town, or around town? Check out the listings below!
Distance Chart to Major Florida Destinations
*Jacksonville - 216 miles / 3.5 hrs *Melbourne - 35 miles / 40 minutes
*Miami - 148 miles / 2.5 hours *Naples - 215 miles / 3.5 hours
*Orlando - 111 miles / 1 hr 50 min *Palm Beach - 81 miles / 1.5 hours
*Tampa - 138 miles / 2.5 hours *Key West - 298 miles / 6 hours
Community Coach & Indian River Transit / GoLine
4385 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32967ph: (772) 569-0903
Go Line is a free PublicTransportation System with fixed routes throughout Indian River County. Community Coach provides door-to-door transportation for eligible riders.

Vero Beach Regional Airport
3400 Cherokee Drive, Vero Beach, FL 32960ph: (772) 978-4930
Vero Beach Regional Airport is an active public airport with three runways. The airport is certified under FAA and TSA regulations to meet stringent safety and security requirements, including rapid emergency response, for aircraft up to large regional jets. The airport provides GPS non-precision instrument approaches, FAA air traffic control, 24-hour security and fire rescue, Jet A and 100LL aircraft fueling and maintenance, flight instruction, and aircraft charters.