Auto & Driver Information
Important License and Registration information for NEW Florida Residents from the State Department of License and Motor Vehicles. Registration fees for vehicles brought in from out-of-state are based upon age and weight of vehicle.
Auto Registration Information
Contact the Tax Collector's Office at any of these locations (Mon. – Fri.: 8:00AM – 5:00PM):
-Main Office - (772) 226-1338 - 1800 27th Street-Bldg. B (County Admin Complex), Vero Beach, FL 32960
-West Office - (772) 770-5380 - 1860 82nd Avenue, Suite 102 (Ameritrend Commerce Center), Vero Beach, FL 32966
-Sebastian Office - (772) 388-6034 - 11610 U.S. Highway #1 (Sebastian Square), Sebastian, FL 32958
Also, the Tax Collector's Office offers Driver License services ( Examinations, Renewals & Replacements).
Auto Titles
Florida is a title law state. All vehicles registered in Florida need a Florida title. Application can be made at the time of registration. Liens are recorded on the title certificate. For more information visit the State of Florida Dept of Motor Vehicles /
Tag & Titles.
Auto Insurance
Florida has a compulsory "no-fault" insurance law instituted in 1971 for all motor vehicles of private passenger type registered and licensed in Florida and for autos of nonresidents that have been physically in Florida for more than 90 days.
DATA Course (Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness)
Never had a Driver's License? All first time drivers in the State of Florida are required to take this 4 hour class before applying for their Learner's Permit or license. Take the course online or in a Saturday class from 12 noon to 4pm at 847 8th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32962.
Telephone (772) 299-1636 for details.
Driver's License
Driver's License Examining Station
Contact or visit the Tax Collector's Office at any of the locations below (Mon. – Fri.: 8:00AM – 4:30PM). Learn what to bring and save a second trip by visiting
-Main Office - (772) 226-1338 - 1800 27th Street-Bldg. B (County Admin Complex), Vero Beach, FL 32960
-West Office - (772) 770-5380 - 1860 82nd Avenue, Suite 102 (Ameritrend Commerce Center), Vero Beach, FL 32966
-Sebastian Office - (772) 388-6034 - 11610 U.S. Highway #1 (Sebastian Square), Sebastian, FL 32958
For more information visit the State of Florida Driver License Information (Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles).
NOTE: First time drivers are required to take the 4 hour "Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness" class prior to getting their Learner's Permit or license. Telephone (772) 299-1636 for details.
License Plates
You must show proof of Florida-based automobile insurance to purchase license plates. Plates are renewed annually, expiring on your birthday. Company-owned or lease vehicles have staggered expiration dates.
If you are employed in Florida, have children in public school or are a business owner, you must secure Florida license plates within 10 days of coming into the state.
Vehicle identification number must be verified on all out-of-state vehicles coming into Florida before registering in Florida.

Indian River County Administration
1801 27th St, Vero Beach, FL 32960ph: (772) 226-1223
Indian River County was created in 1925. It was named for the Indian River Lagoon, which runs through the eastern portion of the county.