Featured Real Estate
in Vero Beach, Florida
Established 1961
On April 30,1961, the Miami Herald published a story about Summerplace in Vero Beach titled "Developers With A Soul" touting a natural way of life, a change of pace.
Developer of Summerplace was Anthony Drexel Duke, descended from three American dynasties - his father from the family that founded the American Tobacco Company and endowed Duke University. His mother an offspring of the Drexel and Biddle banking dynasties in Philadelphia.
Tony Duke passed in 2014, in Florida, at age 95 with a legacy of kindness, philanthropy, and providing opportunities for disadvantaged children.
While Summerplace was a mere blip on Duke's achievements, his kind soul is the fabric of Summerplace.
Today, nearly 60 years later, the Summerplace neighborhood still offers a “natural way of life, a change of pace” as originally envisioned.
Many of the early 1960’s cottage homes are renovated and tucked into the natural landscape, while newer homes are filling in the landscape. The roads are still shell lanes with towering oak trees and all homes in Summerplace have deeded beach access to the Atlantic Ocean.
Summerplace residents come from all walks of life. It’s an eclectic mix of professions and histories but the unifying factors are neighbors as friends and a laid-back, easy going lifestyle.
Summerplace Notables
Robert Hazard – musician and composer best known for composing “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”. Here’s original recording. After his passing, Robert's family kept the home in Summerplace.
Brad Domke – world famous skimboarder noted for riding the biggest wave ever on a skimboard.
Here's video, it’s epic. Between adventures, Brad returns to visit family in Summerplace.
NanciLee Wydra – author of 8 books on Feng Shui and original founder of the Feng Shui Institute of America.
Summerplace Properties Available for Purchase
See Lots for Sale in Summerplace
See Homes for Sale in Summerplace
For details, or to schedule a showing, contact:
Tyler Fox, REALTOR, phone or text (772) 538-3733 or email tfox@sorensenrealestate.com
