CARTer's Corner - Solid Waste Disposal Districts new mobile app
09-17-2021CARTer’s Corner provides two specific services. First, it allows residents to easily find out within seconds if an item is recyclable before they put it the blue cart. Second, it provides detailed metrics to SWDD about what residents are confused about or have questions about regarding recycling so that we can better target our marketing and advertising to clarify those questions. The service also includes the provision of pick up dates and calendar information. It has been very specifically designed to meet and address the recycling needs of our county.
This service will make life easier for residents to recycle right and reduce the amount of “wish cycling” and contamination at the cart. SWDD will continue to make changes and update CARTer’s Corner on a regular basis. Therefore, the service will always be up to date. SWDD will continue to track the metrics on what residents are searching for so that we can continue to better target our marketing campaigns.