Epic Missions, Inc.

Vero Beach, FL

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Epic Missions, Inc.
6025 12th St
Vero Beach, FL 32966

(772) 618-5777
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Epic Missions volunteers have put in over 130,000 hours of volunteer work from 3,300 volunteers in IRC alone. Their volunteers are from public schools, colleges, exchange clubs & publicly held corporations and they come to Epic Missions to do a short term Mission experience. This mission is NOT just for church based folks, however the organization is Christian founded. Epic Missions does not require any religious affiliation from volunteers, just ask them to care and share - and they do - forsaking their vacations to serve in a community that is not their own!

Epic Missions, Inc.

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Epic Missions Logo Vero Beach Florida Epic Missions, Inc.
6025 12th St
Vero Beach, FL 32966
(772) 618-5777

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