IRC Sheriff's Office (Indian River County) Share this page:
Vero Beach, FL

IRC Sheriff's Office (Indian River County)
4055 41st Avenue
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 569-6700
Email IRC Sheriff's Office (Indian River County)
Direct Email IRC Sheriff's Office (Indian River County)
Community involvement is the most powerful force any law enforcement agency has in the fight against crime.
The Indian River County Sheriff's Office (IRCSO) is located in Vero Beach, Florida. They are a public service facility providing a range of services for a county of over 150,000 citizens. The IRCSO employs more than 450 professionals who provide an array of services to the community.
Here are Quick Links to find information fast at the Indian River County Sheriff's Office
- Agency Directory has Department names & phone numbers at the Sheriff's Office
- Inmate Search connects you to the jail
The IRCSO (Indian River County Sherriff's Office) has eight divisions that have many departments.
- Corrections
- Information Services
- Investigations
- Judicial Services
- Sheriff Services
- Support Services
- Uniform Services
An interesting Citizen's Academy is offered from time to time. It's a free eleven-week course that gives citizens a behind the scenes look at all divisions of the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office with favorites being tours of the jail, 911 center, courthouse and K-9 demonstrations. Court judges, state attorneys and public defenders are also part of the program.
Public Affairs & Media requests should be directed to or call (772) 978-6215
Crime Prevention requests should be directed to or (772) 978-6296

IRC Sheriff's Office (Indian River County)
4055 41st Avenue
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 569-6700
Email IRC Sheriff's Office (Indian River County)
Direct Email IRC Sheriff's Office (Indian River County)

4055 41st Avenue
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 569-6700
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