Junior League of Indian River Share this page:
Vero Beach, FL

Junior League of Indian River
999 US Hwy 1
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Write a ReviewWhat is the Junior Leauge
The Junior League of Indian River, Inc. (JLIR) is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. It's purpose is exclusively education and charitable.
The Junior League of Indian River, Inc. reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism.
Who is the Junior League
The Junior League of Indian River was founded in 1990 by a group of women sharing a common goal of making Indian River County a better place to live for children and families. 2005 marked the 15th year of being a community service organization and the 10th year that the League has been affiliated with The Association of Junior Leagues International. JLIR is one of 294 leagues in four countries encompassing over 193,000 members who work together to identify unmet needs, forge effective coalitions and work for change.
There are three categories of membership: provisional, active and sustainer. Provisional members are required to complete a training course designed to develop their potential as trained community volunteers. Active members are the driving force in placements which support and promote the League’s Community Vision: Working together to build a brighter future for children and families. JLIR Sustainers are a group of women who have spent years in active service. Having completed their required years as an active member, these women continue to support the League in many ways. Please contact the League office at 563.9287 if you would like information regarding membership in the Junior League of Indian River.
What Does The Junior League Do
The Junior League of Indian River supports the following community programs:
- Valued Visits Program of Indian River County, A Family Visitation Center
- Sneaker Exchange
- Done in a Day projects
- Youth Volunteer Corps

Junior League of Indian River
999 US Hwy 1
Vero Beach, FL 32960