The Salvation Army of Vero Beach Share this page:
Vero Beach, FL

The Salvation Army of Vero Beach
2655 5th Street SW
Vero Beach, FL 32962
(772) 978-0265
Email The Salvation Army of Vero Beach
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. |
- To demonstrate through service, the reality of a relationship with Jesus, and the love of God.
- To seek to meet the immediate needs of people faced with and involved in a disaster or an emergency.
- To assist victims of a disaster to continue with a quality of life.
- To assist towards resolution of personal and social stress.
- To stride towards a drugs & alcohol-free life
- To show children love & teach them character building tract in their lives
- Passion
- Compassion
- Uplifting spirit
- Trustworthiness
- Mobile Feeding
- Congregate Feeding Site
- Mobile Homeless Feeding Day
- Food Pantry
- Youth Character Building (Pre-K thru 12th grades)
- Women’s Scrapbooking Ministry
- Youth Brass Band
- Sunday Worship Service
- Bible Study
The Salvation Army’s religious and social-service activities serve millions of men, women and children in more than 125 nations. Volunteers, contributors and other supporters make those services possible in local communities. William and Catherine Booth began The Salvation Army in July 1865—William as preacher for a small congregation in the slums of London; Catherine right by his side, testifying to God’s work and inviting others to invest financially. With the military spirit of professional soldiers combined with the compassion of their faith, they battled against almost overwhelming enemies: debasing poverty, biased public policy, ignorance, addictions, sin and despair. The Salvation Army today embodies the very same qualities with which the Booths launched this movement that has touched the world. The Salvation Army exist to meet human need wherever, whenever and however they can.

The Salvation Army of Vero Beach
2655 5th Street SW
Vero Beach, FL 32962
(772) 978-0265
Email The Salvation Army of Vero Beach
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2655 5th Street SW
Vero Beach, FL 32962
(772) 978-0265
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