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Vero Beach, FL

United Against Poverty
1400 27th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 770-0740
Write a ReviewThe Member Share Grocery Program (MSGP) is a hunger relief and homeless prevention program designed to provide access to healthy, nutritional food, personal care and household products in a grocery center style setting and provide participants with economic relief in these costs allowing income to be redistributed to other essential expenses such as housing. United Against Poverty also provides access to ongoing Food Assistance Programs through our Crisis Stabilization Program that includes Emergency Pantry, MSGP Voucher Program, Give & Get, and Earn While You Learn programs.
The Workforce Development Program (WDP) seeks to assist those with barriers to employment to gain employment, with a focus on long-term job retention and career development. United Against Poverty’s WDP includes Success Training for Employment Program (STEP), STEP Rapid Employment Program, Bootcamp, and Workshops. For more information on the STEP program, visit www.stepsuccess.org.
The Crisis Stabilization Program is a crisis care and case management for those in emergency situations. Participants are provided resources to address immediate needs, work to identify the chronic underlying issues and provide long term support to address them through a case management model through internal support as well as internal and external referrals. Onsite collaboration with the State of FL Department of Children and Families provide access to Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Other onsite providers of health care, domestic abuse, senior services, veteran’s services, mental health and substance abuse counseling services complete wraparound support.
The Education Program (EP) is dedicated to our belief that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. We offer workshops in areas such as nutrition, cooking, stress reduction, basic computers, job preparation, and other areas that allow participants to pursue learning in an area of which they are motivated to learn. EP also maintains our GED Program that provides access to GED Prep, GED support and testing, vocational training and post-secondary education counseling in collaboration with local school systems. Additionally, UP is testing a pilot program that would provide access to post secondary educational credits for STEP graduates through The Retail Institute and The University of the Cumberlands.

United Against Poverty
1400 27th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 770-0740
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1400 27th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 770-0740
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