For Seniors

A Moment's Notice Health Care celebrated 50 years in business

March 4, 2025
by Chris V | For Seniors

Celebrating 50 Years of Care: A Moment's Notice Health Care

Be aware of the risks when Hiring an Independent Contractor or Using a Registry for Home Care

by Chris V | For Seniors

Everyone likes a bargain, but when it comes to home care, selecting the cheapest price for care can result in the most expensive implications.

Oftentimes consumers are unaware of the risks they are exposing themselves to when they hire care through a registry or independent contractor. Unfortunately, sometimes this results in less than positive situations for seniors and their families.

How Caregiving Makes You Healthier, Stronger and Wiser New research shows that being a caregiver has benefits

by Chris V | For Seniors

How Caregiving Makes You Healthier, Stronger and Wiser

New research shows that being a caregiver has benefits

A Moment's Notice Health Care has quite a number of caregivers who could be retired at this point in their live. Yet they choose to continue to provide care for those who choose to age in place in there own homes.

What is Home Care?

by Chris V | For Seniors

Home care encompasses a wide range of health and social services. These services are delivered at home to recovering, disabled, chronically, or terminally ill persons in need of medical, nursing, social, or therapeutic treatment and/or assistance with the essential activities of daily living.

Assisted Living Homes VS. Home Care: How To Decide

by Chris V | For Seniors

Can you receive proper care in your home or would it be best to move into an assisted living home that can meet your long-term care needs?

How Caregiving Makes You Healthier, Stronger and Wiser New research shows that being a caregiver has benefits

by Chris V | For Seniors

How Caregiving Makes You Healthier, Stronger and Wiser

New research shows that being a caregiver has benefits

A Moment's Notice Health Care has quite a number of caregivers who could be retired at this point in their live. Yet they choose to continue to provide care for those who choose to age in place in there own homes.

How Do I Select the Right Home Care Provider?

by Chris V | For Seniors

Choosing a home health service can be overwhelming. Agencies differ in the safety and quality of care they provide.

5 Money Issues Families Never Talk About Avoiding discussions of these sensitive topics can lead to big trouble By Richard Eisenberg Money & Work Editor July 12, 2018

by Chris V | For Seniors

Why do we have such a hard time talking with our children about important financial matters affecting the entire family? For some of us, avoiding sensitive discussions, especially about money, is a family tradition. For others, there’s concern that bringing up financial worries will harm our relationships with our children and grandchildren.

Below are five money issues no one likes to talk about, but should — and sooner than later.

(This article previously appeared on

What We Know and Don’t Know About Memory Loss After Surgery POCD is a relatively unknown but common condition, especially among older adults By Judith Graham Kaiser Health News May 21, 2018

by Chris V | For Seniors

The old man likely has postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) — a little-known condition that affects a substantial number of older adults after surgery, said Dr. Daniel Cole, a professor of clinical anesthesiology at UCLA and a past president of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.