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September 7, 2020 by DavidS | Medical

The new Beachside Detox facility, located at 1101 54th St., will complement the services offered by Beachside Rehab, according to Dr. Paul R. Hebig, MD, medical director.
“The new facility expands our detox and residential treatment services,” Dr. Hebig said. “It is the nicest detox center in South Florida.”
Beachside helps patients from the moment they decide to detox all the way through outpatient therapy, treating the patient holistically. This means taking the time to properly assess the problem with a complete diagnosis of both physical and emotional factors.
In some cases, such as those involving depression, PTSD or some other severe condition, a dual diagnosis may be called for, where it is determined that both the addiction and the underlying mental condition need to be tackled. However, before the long term issues can be addressed, there is the physiological aspect of the addiction itself that needs to be looked at with holistic addiction treatment.
While the Fort Pierce rehab center provides Partial Hospitalization (PHP), Intensive outpatient (IOP), and Outpatient care programs, the West Palm Beach facility is a residential detox center.
“We’ll be able to provide treatment in a dignified way to people who want to get sober with dignity,” Dr. Hebig said. “There is a big lack of affordable, high-end treatment. Dignified treatment should be available for everyone, not just the wealthy.”
Beachside Detox is designed for optimal patient care in a comfortable setting. It provides spacious rooms much like a resort hotel, but the focus remains on patient care, with access to expert medical care for residential treatment. The facility is nearly 18,000 square feet with a 35-bed occupancy.
“It's a different level of care, a more intensive in-patient care,” said Tabitha Grant, Beachside Rehab’s chief clinical officer. Grant said the new facility will operate with the same core values and goals as the Fort Pierce facility: like a family.
Family is what inspired Imelda Wellington, co-founder and CEO, to start Beachside Rehab, and it’s what lies at the heart of the center’s success today. Having faced addiction in her own family, and having worked through her own recovery with Al-Anon, Imelda truly understands what it takes to get sober and stay sober. A big part of what it takes, she says, is a strong family.
Beachside professionals understand that drug and alcohol addiction can affect any family, and detoxification – the first step to recover – can be different for each individual, as well.
Detoxification means cleansing the system of all drugs or alcohol to begin the process of freeing the client from the physical dependency on these substances so focus can shift to psychological dependence issues during treatment.
“Our medical detox facility offers a wide range of care designed to provide supportive withdrawal management around the clock with the help of our full-time staff of doctors and nurses,” Dr. Hebig said.
Anyone who has a severe physical dependency on drugs or alcohol and experiences extreme withdrawal symptoms could need medical supervision to detox.
Substances that commonly require the care of a detox center include heroin, prescription painkillers, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines (psychoactive drugs), and alcohol. A typical inpatient stay is about 30 days, with options for just detox or detox and counseling. The center partners with local professionals for additional counseling support.
Dr. Hebig cautioned against unsupervised, self-detox attempts.
“Benzodiazepines and alcohol detoxes are some of the most dangerous to go through alone and could be life-threatening” Dr. Hebig said. “With a medical detox facility, you have experienced medical staff by your side to oversee safe detoxification.
About Beachside Rehab
Beachside Rehab is a private, drug and alcohol abuse treatment facility located in Fort Pierce, Florida. We take a holistic approach to treatment, while also supporting the proven 12-step program.
We utilize mind, body, and spiritual elements to provide an enhanced recovery program for each individual. We understand that every person is faced with unique circumstances and that one program does not fit all. For this reason, we work hard to provide the specialized treatment that every patient deserves. To learn more, visit https://www.beachsiderehab.com.
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Beachside, a private recovery center located in Fort Pierce, has announced the opening of its new alcohol and drug detoxification facility in West Palm Beach

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