How Do I Select the Right Home Care Provider?
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by Chris V |
For Seniors

How Do I Select the Right Home Care Provider?
Once you acquire the names of several providers, you will want to learn more about their services and reputations. Following is a checklist of questions to ask providers and other individuals who may know about the provider’s track record. Their insight will help you determine which provider is best for you or your loved one.
- How long has this provider been serving the community? A Moment’s Notice Health Care has been service the community since 1974.
- Does this provider supply literature explaining its services, eligibility requirements, fees, and funding sources? Many providers furnish patients with a detailed “Patient Bill of Rights” that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the providers, patients, and caregivers alike. An annual report and other educational materials also can provide helpful information about the provider. A Moment’s Notice Health Care provides detailed information on our website at www.amnhc.com as well as brochures. We will also send out an RN, at no charge, to explain our services and fees.
- How does this provider select and train its employees? Does it protect its workers with written personnel policies, benefits packages, and malpractice insurance? A Moment’s Notice Health Care has written procedures in place to selectively recruit, screen, hire and train the best caregivers in the area.
- Are nurses or therapists required to evaluate the patient’s home care needs? If so, what does this entail? Do they consult the patient’s physicians and family members? A Moment’s Notice Health Care’s nurses evaluate the patient’s home care needs. We coordinate with the patient’s physicians and family members. The initial assessment takes from one to two hours in the patient’s home at no cost.
- Does this provider include the patient and his or her family members in developing the plan of care? Are they involved in making care plan changes? YES
- Is the patient’s course of treatment documented, detailing the specific tasks to be carried out by each professional caregiver? Does the patient and his or her family receive a copy of this plan, and do the caregivers update it as changes occur? Does this provider take time to educate family members on the care being administered to the patient? Yes, in compliance with the HIPAA laws.
- Does this provider assign supervisors to oversee the quality of care patients are receiving in their homes? If so, how often do these individuals make visits? Who can the patient and his or her family members call with questions or complaints? How does the agency follow up on and resolve problems? A Moment’s Notice Health Care has RN’s and LPN’s that supervise and inspect the quality of care that the patients are receiving and we do routine quality control visits. Family members can call the Administrator & Owner of the company directly to resolve any questions or complaints. We are locally owned and operated.
- What procedures does this provider have in place to handle emergencies? Are its caregivers available 24 hours a day, seven days a week? A Moment’s Notice Health Care has a written Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan that has been reviewed and filed with all five counties that we serve in the State of Florida.
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