Youth and Vitality
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by Laura W |
Can fixing your spine really make you look and feel younger?
I just read a recent case study in the Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine on how chiropractic extends telomeres! How cool is that? Very cool! You might be asking yourself, what is a telomere and what does it have to do with me? Basically, telomere length (TL) is a biomarker of biological aging. TL is longest at birth and decreases with advancing age. Shortened telomere length have been associated with metabolic and inflammatory diseases, cancer, chronic and serious illness. Telomere length is also associated with lifestyle choices such as diet, tobacco and alcohol use, physical activity, and sleep.
Briefly, the case study showed that by correcting the patient’s cervical spine with Chiropractic Biophysics they could lengthen the telomeres. Our spine should have a certain shape. When we lose that shape, the body starts to break down. Chiropractic biophysics is a technique that helps restore the proper spinal shape. Luckily, we use this technique at Parris Family Chiropractic!
There are many things we can do to make ourselves feel and look younger. We can eat a healthy diet, exercise, get ample sleep, connect spiritually, and make sure our spine is in good shape (pun intended).
Have a great day and try to lengthen your telomeres!
-Dr. Matthew N. Parris
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Beachside, a private recovery center located in Fort Pierce, has announced the opening of its new alcohol and drug detoxification facility in West Palm Beach

The Positive Stats About Addiction Recovery
It’s easy to find the negative stats about relapse and overdose after alcohol rehab or drug rehab. Positive recovery statistics, however, are readily available too—and they’re inspiring. Instead of focusing only on the challenges ahead, staying hopeful about the future is the wisest way to approach addiction recovery.
Signs Your Loved Ones Needs Alcohol Rehab
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 17 million adults over 18 have an alcohol use disorder (AUD).

How to Facilitate Entry into Alcohol Rehab
A number of barriers—denial, fear, anxiety, life consequences—can contribute to people not willingly entering a substance abuse program. Family or friends of those struggling with alcohol addiction often believe they must “get” them into treatment.
Many believe that a better perspective is to facilitate accessing the help they need. Resistance is a common response, particularly if alcohol rehab is a legal or familial stipulation, but how we frame the experience can be a critical first step in a loved one’s successful rehab.

How To Tell If a Family Member Is Addicted to Drugs
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 7.4 million Americans suffered from drug addiction in 2016.
How to Beat the Stigma of Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction is often looked at differently than other mental health illnesses.