Medically Indigent Health Care

A Caring Center for Women

1986 31st Avenue , Suite 100, Vero Beach, FL 32960
ph: (772) 257-5390

If you

 • are a woman, age 18 or older

 • have NOT had a physical or wellness exam in the past year

 • have a state issued ID (from any state)

 • DO NOT have private health insurance or Medicaid

then you may be eligible for a FREE Well Woman Exam including Pap Exam, Flu and Tetanus vaccines and lab work.

Women interested must call for a consultation appointment to verify eligibility.


We Care Program Indian River County Medical Society

787 37th Street, Suite 140, Vero Beach, FL 32960
ph: (772) 257-3146

The “We Care” program, founded in 1991, provides free specialty medical services to an average of 2000 qualified Indian River County residents each year, not including radiological and surgical procedures, through the dedication of volunteer physicians, dentists and other health care professionals.